Writing A Bad Review On A Book Everyone Loves

It’s always so difficult reading everybody’s favorite book & end up not enjoying it like you expected you would. You feel like a traitor!

When Men Are Forced To Make A Choice Between Sex Or War

A modern adaptation of Lysistrata takes us on an exhilarating journey of discovering the power women have!

Trevor Noah Writes His Love Letter To South Africa

Trevor Noah’s Biography is such a beautiful love poem to his country and his people. It’s impossible to read this book & not fall in love with him.

Why Sharing Our Stories Matters

A beautiful story of determination and courage, a definite must read not only for his followers but for those who are on their own unique path of self-discovery.

An Unequal Music

Vikram Seth is what I would call a gifted wordsmith, a man who converts something as simple as a language into art.